Sunday 26 February 2012

My New Favourite Collectible

Someone in my class told me about a miniature version of Lego created in Japan called Nanoblocks, I looked on ebay and amazon but because they are more common in America and Japan, the postage costs means I need to save for a while first!

However on a trip to London this weekend, I found a few sets in a little toy shop in Covent Garden and so I bought my very first model...

I built it on the train home and recieved a few comments and looks of wonder as I battled with the TINY scale. I definately want to buy some more sets and build up my collection of pieces so I can create my own models.

There are a few sets exclusive to Universal Studios Japan that I would really like, particularly these two. However their exclusivity means their price on ebay is quite steep. I will just have to keep my eyes open for a bargain...

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