Monday 27 February 2012

Business Card Inspiration

I am getting to the point of designing and creating my own business card and identity however I am struggling to think of or stick with one idea. I am interested in so many different things, I don't want to present myself as a specific sort of designer or give a narrow impression of myself.
That said, I know for certain that I want to make something interesting, unexpected and something that people would desire to keep on a shelf or table and not shove it away in a drawer or in the bin.

This design involves an interactive element where the recipient has to build a
3D structure from the business card. It is a clever idea but for my practise may
hint that I specialise in furniture design, when i don't...

This miniature MacBook is actually a business card holder. It it modelled very
closely to real Macs and the detail is brilliant.

It also contains a mirror on the 'screen' which allows you to have a subtle check
of your appearance before handing out a card to a prospective employer.

I particularly like this design because of it's tiny scale, it is relevant to the designer
and context of what they offer. However my only concern if I made something this
small would be that it would get lost or frustrate people who do not have an
interest or patience for miniature design.

There have been many designs and ideas that I have come across that have inspired me but I need to continue considering what best represents me, what people would want to recieve and how to make it memorable.

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