Sunday 19 February 2012

*Mini Wallace & Gromit*

I have a passion for miniature design, both working in a small scale myself and collecting existing objects/pieces. I tend to work with plasticine although recently I have been experimenting with other materials including: foam, fimo, wood and metal.
These characters however were made entirely from plasticine and have been some of my most successful pieces to date...

I photographed Gromit next to a 2p, to give a sense of how small he was.
I had to use a needle to add detail to both characters and mould pieces together.

Similarly to Nick Park's films and shorts, I changed Gromit's ears to give a sense of his emotions and create his expressions.

I also made a larger figure to act as Nick Park, I based his clothing detail closely on a photo of the animator himself.

 The finer detail was very fiddly and looking at these close up pictures, I can see several flaws however in time I think I can only improve.

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