Tuesday 28 February 2012

*Mentor Me Business Cards*

I have produced a business card that matches my 'Mentor Me' piece, which I am presenting this afternoon. I do not intend it to be my final or lifelong card but it will suit the purpose for now. I scratched my blog address into the bottom of my tin because I felt that computer generated type would not suit the rest of my piece. That is the only information I have included because everything else can be accessed on the blog. 

 I scanned in my tin to use as the imagery for my business card, I really like the quality that has remained: the scratches, the dents and even my fingerprint (on the top left corner, on the bottom surface). The tactile 'real' quality definitely represents me because I always prefer to make pieces by hand and promote the need to touch.

Monday 27 February 2012

Lori Nix

I came across the work of Lori Nix on a blog and it reminded me of one of my favourite books which I don't own because it is somewhat of a collectors item now but is definately worth a look at if you can. It is hauntingly beautiful and what you see will stay with you for a long time.
Nix's work combines the ideas of global abandonment and disaster with the innocent and vulnerable nature of miniature creations. They are very realistic and some are equally as haunting as Polidori's photographs. I am interested in abandoned buildings, having explored quite a few myself, there is nothing quite like the 'buzz' you get. A mixture of fear, adrenaline and an overactive imagination makes the exploration and wonder of what happened and who was affected even more intense.


Patrick Jacobs

A fellow student sent me the link to this artist's website who combines realism and miniature design and takes it to a new level...

The realistic finish in these plants is incredible. It puts my work to shame. I actually had to check that Jacob's work was actually 3D installations and not layered photographs of real-life scenes. They are amazing and I'd love to see them in the flesh.

Business Card Inspiration

I am getting to the point of designing and creating my own business card and identity however I am struggling to think of or stick with one idea. I am interested in so many different things, I don't want to present myself as a specific sort of designer or give a narrow impression of myself.
That said, I know for certain that I want to make something interesting, unexpected and something that people would desire to keep on a shelf or table and not shove it away in a drawer or in the bin.

This design involves an interactive element where the recipient has to build a
3D structure from the business card. It is a clever idea but for my practise may
hint that I specialise in furniture design, when i don't...

This miniature MacBook is actually a business card holder. It it modelled very
closely to real Macs and the detail is brilliant.

It also contains a mirror on the 'screen' which allows you to have a subtle check
of your appearance before handing out a card to a prospective employer.

I particularly like this design because of it's tiny scale, it is relevant to the designer
and context of what they offer. However my only concern if I made something this
small would be that it would get lost or frustrate people who do not have an
interest or patience for miniature design.

There have been many designs and ideas that I have come across that have inspired me but I need to continue considering what best represents me, what people would want to recieve and how to make it memorable.

Sunday 26 February 2012

Some of my favourite music videos

DJ Fresh has great videos to accompany his music. I love the realism and energy in them, they have a documentary style aesthetic, eclectic/outgoing fashion choices and make a nice change to the usual theme for dance videos: boobs and bums.....!!!

* Mentor Me piece*

We had to produce a piece of work that we could show to potential mentors, which would give a lasting impression of who we were and what we liked. I have made miniature objects which fit into a cigarette tin (which in itself is special to me). Our meeting with the mentors is tomorrow and I am intrigued as to what they think of this creation coming from a 'graphic design' student.

This is the tin I am using as the container.

Unfortunately I am yet to own a camera with an adequate macro setting and so these photographs are not the quality I would have liked them to be.

Miniscule Lego Man and Timmy & Mittens (previously blogged)

'Pop' magazine (with real fashion mag pages) & 'Hand Job' typography book.

Spiderman Tokidoki hat (Simone Legno), followed very closely to the original hat.

Montana Spray Paint

'Worn' boombox

Jar of skulls

'Home-made' jewellery box with necklace and 2 rings.

Hand-made/stitched jumper.

My three essential tools, in pencil pot.

iPod with headphones.

Each object has a little story behind it, as-well as details of how I made it. I am confident both of these things will create enough material to talk about and be interesting enough to look at.

Vinyl Toy Collection (the beginnings of anyway!)

To feed my love of miniature designs, I bought a few 'toys' at KidRobot a while ago but haven't added to my collection yet because I can't find anymore stockists...

These were all 'blind' packages so I couldn't pick what model I wanted.

These miniature sweet shop accessories are probably my favourite pieces, purely because they're the smallest!

Trainer Love

I have a love for rare, unusual and limited edition trainers. They are probably what most of my money goes on! This weekend I found a pair of Jeremy Scott for Adidas trainers that only came out on Friday (the day I bought them) and they are my favourite pair yet!

There are several other Jeremy Scott pairs I'd love to own too...