Wednesday 14 March 2012

*Street Art Uk publication*

I posted some photos a while back that I took in preparation for a brief where we had to design the layout for a journal. My given title was 'street art uk'  which I was very pleased with. This project was my first significant piece using InDesign technology but I maintained my preferred working methods of hand-created pieces too...

These scans are of my final mock (i.e. I trimmed off too much but are the closest versions to the final copy - which the tutors have kept at uni)

Dust Cover - using an image by Codex Inferno, flipped in photoshop

Front Cover - using my photographs, merging together before and after images (which was very difficult!)

Contents and Editor's Note - Using my hand-drawn type for headings (inspired by found font), my tag and my own photograph on the right. Spelt 'streat' so that the white letters make up 'ART'.

Found images of street art.

My own headings and image - drawn with my left hand, scanned in background of an old notepad.

Street Art Tour - scanned in map of London, all elements hand drawn.

All elements hand made - background is a wax rubbing of a wall, scanned in masking tape strip for center join, scanned in graph paper for right hand page, 'Newz' type hand drawn/made.

Found advert.

Nele Azevedo type made by drawing in gritting salt (to give a snow/ice effect) and editing in Photoshop.

I found the production of this journal quite difficult, trying to build the relationship between digital layouts and processes and my hand-created elements was an interesting learning experience. I'm not sure how successful the end pairing was and so this is something i need to continue working on.

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