Wednesday 14 March 2012


I have recently had my first experience of screenprinting, learning how to expose my screen, prepare, print and clean away. It takes quite a lot of preparation but is worth it because of the high quality results you can achieve, the wonderful 'grainy' quality and the range of possible surfaces you can print on.

My current support module is to use screenprinting to create a book of our chosen "wonder of the world" topic. I have chosen LEGO and these are my first (test) prints from the printing session.

I learnt an important lesson with regards to what you can expose/print with screenprinting. My image was very white and the figure on the right didn't even expose at all, I need to select darker images or edit them to ensure this doesn't happen again.

These colours put together remind me of the Sex Pistols album cover...

Printing on fabric...

Printing on a glove...

I am really excited with the prospect of creating a mixed media book, using fabric, various found materials and paper stocks. I can throughly embrace my enjoyment of experimenting within this module and I aim to create something really unique and unusual.

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