Thursday 15 March 2012

Laminate Most Wanted

I had an unexpected delivery today of a publication I pre-ordered 6 weeks ago and had forgotton about... I can't quite remember how I came across it but once I learnt this issue featured Simone Legno (creator of Tokidoki and my favourite illustrator) I knew I had to have it.

The website features a large collection of contemporary illustrators and further features.

Viewed in a landscape format, each A3 page of my publication has wonderful high quality images and accompanying interviews, I have a feeling it is going to provide great inspiration and I am going to continue collecting the volumes from now on.

Publication, Illustrators dvd, 3D glasses (to view featured illustrations), Tokidoki fan, Tokidoki GelaSkin, Tokidoki phone charm, Tokidoki sticker.

You could choose a free skin from any of the featured artists, I chose Simone Legno. The skin is meant for an iPhone 4 but I cut it down a bit to fit my iPod.

Double sided Tokidoki fan.

I put my foot in shot to give a sense of the large scale format of the publication....

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