Friday 23 March 2012

*Finished Bicycle*

Here are some photos of my finished bike...

I used the ordinance survey map for the main frame, the street atlas for the chain guard and the older version of the ordinance map for the mud guards. This gave an interesting contrast with the various parts of the bike and various map styles.

The Keep Cycling Scheme are hopefully going to take some more professional photographs to have as part of my portfolio.

I'm proud I got this finished to a fairly high standard, I faced a few difficulties along the way with the maps wripping, wrinkling and overlapping but overall I am pleased with the outcome.

*Bicycle Progression*

I have been working hard on applying my design to the bike frame for the last three days. It has been the most challenging thing I have done to date, trying to fix thin, weak paper maps to a 3D structure that had bumps, dents and additional pieces and joinings was very difficult. Especially to achieve the continous flow of the maps as I wanted.

Here are a few images showing the various stages of development.

These are the three maps I used for my bike.
The three maps have different colour schemes, drawing styles and typography. I wanted this to be the case.

Shaping the map around fixed pieces like this was very difficult.

Thursday 15 March 2012

Laminate Most Wanted

I had an unexpected delivery today of a publication I pre-ordered 6 weeks ago and had forgotton about... I can't quite remember how I came across it but once I learnt this issue featured Simone Legno (creator of Tokidoki and my favourite illustrator) I knew I had to have it.

The website features a large collection of contemporary illustrators and further features.

Viewed in a landscape format, each A3 page of my publication has wonderful high quality images and accompanying interviews, I have a feeling it is going to provide great inspiration and I am going to continue collecting the volumes from now on.

Publication, Illustrators dvd, 3D glasses (to view featured illustrations), Tokidoki fan, Tokidoki GelaSkin, Tokidoki phone charm, Tokidoki sticker.

You could choose a free skin from any of the featured artists, I chose Simone Legno. The skin is meant for an iPhone 4 but I cut it down a bit to fit my iPod.

Double sided Tokidoki fan.

I put my foot in shot to give a sense of the large scale format of the publication....

*Dance Sash*

My niece is taking part in a school talent show and she wanted me to make a sash for her and her friend to wear as part of their dance routine. She had chosen some (hideous) gold ribbon, which was a nightmare to work with because it stretched, made the ink bleed and had holes in but I did my best and I'm sure she'll be pleased with it anyway. Even if I can see the flaws!

The gap between the 's' and 'm' on Yasmin really bugs me but there wasn't anymore ribbon to do another one.

Wednesday 14 March 2012


I have recently had my first experience of screenprinting, learning how to expose my screen, prepare, print and clean away. It takes quite a lot of preparation but is worth it because of the high quality results you can achieve, the wonderful 'grainy' quality and the range of possible surfaces you can print on.

My current support module is to use screenprinting to create a book of our chosen "wonder of the world" topic. I have chosen LEGO and these are my first (test) prints from the printing session.

I learnt an important lesson with regards to what you can expose/print with screenprinting. My image was very white and the figure on the right didn't even expose at all, I need to select darker images or edit them to ensure this doesn't happen again.

These colours put together remind me of the Sex Pistols album cover...

Printing on fabric...

Printing on a glove...

I am really excited with the prospect of creating a mixed media book, using fabric, various found materials and paper stocks. I can throughly embrace my enjoyment of experimenting within this module and I aim to create something really unique and unusual.

*Technical Logbook*

For a recent photography with packaging project, I had to keep a technical logbook for reference. I made my own book and recorded information on digital editing, studio technicalities and camera settings. I made enough notes so that I can use this again in the future.

Here are a few scans of the book...

Front Cover - hand drawn, inspired by one of my handbags.

Pages are scanned in copies of an old notebook I have, then I worked on top of them.

*Street Art Uk publication*

I posted some photos a while back that I took in preparation for a brief where we had to design the layout for a journal. My given title was 'street art uk'  which I was very pleased with. This project was my first significant piece using InDesign technology but I maintained my preferred working methods of hand-created pieces too...

These scans are of my final mock (i.e. I trimmed off too much but are the closest versions to the final copy - which the tutors have kept at uni)

Dust Cover - using an image by Codex Inferno, flipped in photoshop

Front Cover - using my photographs, merging together before and after images (which was very difficult!)

Contents and Editor's Note - Using my hand-drawn type for headings (inspired by found font), my tag and my own photograph on the right. Spelt 'streat' so that the white letters make up 'ART'.

Found images of street art.

My own headings and image - drawn with my left hand, scanned in background of an old notepad.

Street Art Tour - scanned in map of London, all elements hand drawn.

All elements hand made - background is a wax rubbing of a wall, scanned in masking tape strip for center join, scanned in graph paper for right hand page, 'Newz' type hand drawn/made.

Found advert.

Nele Azevedo type made by drawing in gritting salt (to give a snow/ice effect) and editing in Photoshop.

I found the production of this journal quite difficult, trying to build the relationship between digital layouts and processes and my hand-created elements was an interesting learning experience. I'm not sure how successful the end pairing was and so this is something i need to continue working on.